Salient Features: The PCVIS Blog
Welcome to Salient Features: The PCVIS Blog! And welcome to the conversation about CVI. Here PCVIS members share stories, experiences, and information that will enrich the greater CVI community.
If you are a member and want to share something, go to our submission page.
Not a member yet? Join us and together we can change the outlook for children with CVI.
PCVIS Webinar Series – Seeing Through the Lens of CVI, Part 2
Seeing Through The Lens of CVI - Part 2 with Alisha Waugh
PCVIS Webinar Series – Seeing Through the Lens of CVI, Part 1
Seeing Through The Lens of CVI - Part 1 with Alisha Waugh
In the News: Pediatric VIEW Moves to The Children’s Home
**Repost from The Children’s Home & Lemieux Family Center Website** Pediatric VIEW Comes to The Children’s Home September 2, 2021 We’re excited to share that Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy’s Pediatric VIEW Program (PVP) is now part of the quality care offered at The...
The CVI Range Endorsement – A statement from PCVIS
The Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society (PCVIS), in response to the recent decision to discontinue the Perkins-Roman CVI Range Endorsement, wishes to acknowledge the purpose of the CVI Range Endorsement, its role in fueling momentum toward training and...
“The CVI IEP” Upcoming Webinar in PCVIS Series
The Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society is excited to announce the second installment of our Expert Webinar Series. MaryAnne Roberto, TVI, Perkins-Roman CVI Range Endorsed Professional and CVI Mentor will discuss the importance of advocating for CVI-specific...
Exploring Memory and Misrecognition in Children with CVI (Part 2)
When I first discovered the Roman Word Bubbling app in early 2020, I quickly made a set of bubbled and laminated family names. I used velcro to attach them to a black foam board, sat my son in front of the board, and began working to teach him “Mommy,” “Mama,”...
Action Requested : Advocating for the Continuation of Dr. Roman’s Pediatric VIEW
As we wrap up another school year, we have just received news that the Pediatric View Program, run by Dr. Christine Roman is closing. (see Dr. Roman's original blog post ) Many parents on this group have traveled to Pittsburgh for a diagnosis, evaluation, and...
Upcoming Webinar: “Seeing through a CVI Lens” Part II
Please join us Wednesday, May 12th, at 7:30 ET for “Seeing through a CVI Lens” Part II, an interactive simulation experience, to walk in the shoes of an individual with CVI, experiencing the unique visual and behavioral characteristics associated with CVI...
PCVIS Launches Webinar Series
As the mission of the Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society is to advocate for children with CVI, heighten public awareness, and promote research and other activities that lead to improvement in vision care for children with CVI, we are excited to launch our...
Exploring Memory and Misrecognition in Children with CVI (Part 1)
Kerry Callahan Photography The more focussed, important, interesting or repeated an experience is, the stronger the memory will be. Therefore, memories are deeply personal. What one person may remember from an event may be completely different from another person at...