by Jessica Marquardt | Oct 8, 2024 | CVI & Education, CVI Advocacy and Awareness, CVI Continuing Education, CVI Events, CVI for Parents, CVI Medical Info, CVI Research
Last week, The Children’s Home of Pittsburgh Pediatric VIEW hosted the Innovations in CVI Conference, focusing on navigating teams and transitions. Founded in 1999 by Dr. Christine Roman-Lantzy as an extension to NICU follow-up programs at West Penn Hospital, the...
by Mara | Sep 3, 2024 | CVI & Education, CVI & Inclusion, CVI Advocacy and Awareness, CVI for Parents, Diagnosing CVI
Advocacy is more than just raising your voice; it's about telling your story in a way that resonates with policymakers and the public. As someone deeply invested in the well-being of children with Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI), I’ve found that sharing personal...
by Jessica Marquardt | Jul 2, 2024 | CVI & Education, CVI Advocacy and Awareness, CVI Continuing Education, CVI Events, CVI Medical Info, CVI News, CVI Research
The Pediatric Cortical Visual Impairment Society sponsored last week’s Perkins CVI Conference in Boston, a time for rich learning and community building. Many of our members attended, including about half of our Board of Directors. Here are 10 highlights from the...
by Kira Brady | Mar 19, 2021 | CVI & Education, CVI for Parents
Kerry Callahan Photography The more focussed, important, interesting or repeated an experience is, the stronger the memory will be. Therefore, memories are deeply personal. What one person may remember from an event may be completely different from another person at...
by PCVIS Team | Feb 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
The replication study of the reliability of The CVI Range is in its preparation stage (Borchert, M. & Roman Lantzy, C.). Grant funding was obtained from the Ingerman family to investigate whether the functional vision in children can be reliably quantified. The...