Transforming outcomes for children and youth with CVI

Join us for our annual meeting, Oct. 2, 5 to 7:30 pm in Pittsburgh

The PCVIS Board of Directors invites all members to join us for our annual meeting. Let’s reconnect with fellow PCVIS members, review our accomplishments, and reset our focus on strategic plans.

Wednesday, Oct. 2, from 5 - 7:30 pm
Sheraton Pittsburgh Hotel at Station Square

The annual meeting will be held before the Innovations in CVI Conference: Navigating Teams and Transitions, Oct. 3 - 4, hosted by The Children's Home of Pittsburgh & Lemieux Family Center. The conference will feature talks from Mark Borchert, MD, and Christopher Russell, MS, Ed., TVI, among others.

Agenda topics to include:

  • Discuss 2024 achievements 
  • Reports from strategic plan committee leads on goals and initiatives
  • Breakout working groups for committees

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I RSVP to attend the annual meeting?

Indicate whether or not you'll attend the annual meeting during the registration process for the Innovations in CVI Conference.

What if I want to attend the annual meeting, but can’t attend the conference?

All are welcome, even if you aren't attending the conference. Send an email to [email protected] to let us know you’ll join the annual meeting but can’t stay for the conference.

What if I can’t attend the annual meeting?

We understand! PCVIS will provide an update after the meeting to ensure all members are informed about future projects and how to get involved.

Is there anything I can do to prepare for the annual meeting?

Book your travel to make it in time for a 5 pm start. 

Review proposals (stay tuned) and prepare ideas for an open discussion.

Send in a CVI celebration! We’re looking for remarkable moments from the past year.

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