Please join us Wednesday, May 12th, at 7:30 ET for “Seeing through a CVI Lens” Part II, an interactive simulation experience, to walk in the shoes of an individual with CVI, experiencing the unique visual and behavioral characteristics associated with CVI (Roman-Lantzy). Alisha Waugh will explore what vision is like for a person with CVI.
Characteristics not covered in Part I, including visual latency, need for light, attraction to movement, distance viewing difficulty, visual field preference, atypical visual reflexes and difficulty with visually guided reach will be discussed to better understand why specific strategies and supports are necessary to facilitate vision for those with CVI.
Please have a piece of twine, shoe lace or something similar on hand for the visually guided reach experience.
Hope you can make it!!
Will you send a zoom link for Wednesday’s meeting
Hi Beth!
The link was sent via email, I hope you received it. The recorded webinars should also be posted on the website soon.
Thank you,
PCVIS team